How to install Tweaks & Modules without root,
the benefit of doing this? I have given some benefits below
- Can increase the FPS of the device
- Can improve device performance
- You can increase the refresh rate of the device from 60hz to 120hz +
- Battery Tweaks
- smooth gameplay
- GPU Boost
- frame rate tweak
- performance stable
- CPU boost
- GPU Boost
- graphic optimize
- There are many more
Today we will learn how to set up the Brevent App because all these Modules and tweaks have to be installed with this app.
First, download the app from the Play Store,
Once the app is installed, open it.
Click on Lunch Event.
Click on Developer, before we tell you to turn on the Developer mode of your device.
Turn on Wireless Debugging Mode and then know in the app,
Want Port: Click on Wireless Debugging Port
If you click on Pair Device With Pairing Code, you will get the desired port.
The port will be paired after installation, which means you are done and then open the app!
Such an interface will cancel,